Monday, April 20, 2009

Mama's filling in as 4H officer's Night!!

Yesterday marked the day of our annual 4H "Parents as Officer's" dinner and meeting. Being that J is the Vice President that meant that I had to sit up front and fill the role for VP... Hubby was going to do it, but the "President" and "Treasurer" were both other mom's so they made me come up cause we women rock LOL!! So I did just that filled in as VP, and although I didn't have to do or say alot I had a blast!!. Now J's friend S who just had the surgery from his baseball injury he is treasurer and then another young lady is president. So I had a bit of a chuckle because everytime I would look at the 3 real officers they where cutting up and having their own giggles over in the corner...

Here is our real President, and notice our ornery Treasurer behind!!

J our real Vice President asking silly questions...

Our Treasurer S showing some guns LOL!!

Ohhh now we have a serious face :)

S standing, trying not to fall asleep from his pain meds.

My Hubby visiting during the meeting

My beautiful DD

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