Friday, October 8, 2010

The Great Pig Escape!!

OK so I've linked this up for TST!! Cause Rach's making me....:)

After our county fair back in August the kids' pigs returned home with us until they go to the butcher. Unfortunately it's looking like we can't get them in until November 8th or something like that! So their eventful lives here on the ranch just keep getting funner!

With daily escapes from their pen we are constantly herding them back and telling them NO-NO PIGGIES~!!! So Wednesday afternoon DD and I were leaving the house to head to a meeting and as we drove down the back drive she yells "OH NO pig in the water tank"!!! WHAT?!?! I slammed on the brakes and looked over to find this...

I was on the phone with the Hubby and nearly burst out laughing and said "let me call you right back", he's like "HUH why?! What's going on"?! I said just let me call you back! I wanted to snap that picture and send it to him right away! So I did then my phone promptly rings and he says WHAT THE HECK?! I'm like "yep, he's in the tank..." Hubby says "is he going to drown"?! I told him it appeared he'd been in there for at least a couple of hours because he was a bit sunburned on his back *the part of his body that wasn't underwater*...So I left for my meeting and when we got back the Hubby was almost home so DD and I thought it would be awesomely hilarious to see J's face when he seen this (he'd just gotten home also) so I have DD ask him if he's checked on his pig today and he says "no".. So she says well you might wanna do that! So we head out all giggles waiting for him to burst out laughing! BUT he didn't laugh! He didn't think it was one bit funny! In fact he was kind of annoyed with us for laughing as he thought "his pig was going to die"!!

So we talked about how in the heck he could have gotten in there! This is the horses tank that stands at least 3 1/2 - 4 ft from ground level! This pig weighs somewhere around 300 lbs so it couldn't have been an easy task for him to get in there! SO finally the Hubby gets home and he and J had to get in the tank with a tow strap around the pig to hoist the front half of his body up on the ledge then shove him out onto the ground! I thought he was going to end up breaking a leg or something!

All kidding aside it was a good thing we got him out when we did because he was tired! He kept going underwater trying to lay down and then popping back up shaking his head trying to figure out why the heck he couldn't lay down LOL!!!

And just a note in case you wonder~ Yes the tank has been blocked off until we can drain it. We put out another temporary water tank for the horses until this one is cleaned as it could be dangerous for them to ingest this water that has now been soiled....EWW...


  1. Ewwwwww. Another blog I read had to load a 200 lb calf into a pickup bed and a commenter suggested two people reaching under the belly, grasping each others' wrists and lifting. BUT-you have a Big Pig, too big I think for shenanigans like that !~!

  2. This is funny and having pigs - oh the trouble they can get into. He did look like he was enjoying his time --- but I'm sure would have ended up tragic... Ick.

  3. When you live in the country, it seems there are few dull moments! Great shots!

  4. It sounds like you never have a dull moment on a farm. I am glad you got him out and everything went ok.
    Have a great weekend.

  5. Animals can sure get themselves in some predicaments! Glad lil piggy went wee wee wee all the way back to his pen!

  6. Oh my gosh Michelle! I knew this was going to be hilarious as soon as I saw the title... but this is just! :)

    Please, oh please link this up to next week's True Story Tuesday! It is a classic family legend in the making and you got it all on film! I love it!

  7. ahhh, poor little thing! so glad hubby rescued him! what a cute story but i am sure piggy didn't think so...wonder what the other piggies were thinking, and the horses!

    Poor BIG pig ;) But a very FUNNY story!!

  9. That is just too funny and I love the b*tt shot. LOL Talk about back breaking getting him outta there.

  10. Oh my goodness! How in the world do animals manage that? Glad you got him out!

  11. That is hilarious! I would swear that pig is smiling in the first picture :)

  12. Never a dull moment on a farm...silly pig.

  13. I totally love this all over again! And it royally confused Mr. Daddy when I tried to explain it without pictures while laughing, haha!

    Thanks for linking up... even though I MADE you :)


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